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Marlyn RX1RII Full-Frame + PPK Bundle

Product code: MCB0210_en


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Description Product specifications Reviews

Professional drone with fixed wings and vertical take-off / landing Atmos Marlyn RX1RII PPK
Technical specifications:
Drone type: hybrid, " VTOL " type with vertical take - off and landing and fixed wings;
Weight without payload: 5.7 kg (including batteries);
Maximum payload weight: up to 1 kg;
Wingspan: 1.6 m (removable wings);
Motors: 4 electric motors;
Radio link radius: 3 km LOS (customizable radius and frequency up to 20 km);
Materials: carbon fiber frame surrounded by durable structural PPE;
MarLynk flight planning software application: free updates; input files: .KML, .KMZ, .GeoTIFF, .MBTiles, .WMTS;
Take-off space required for take-off and landing: 2 × 2 m;
Required configuration time: 5 minutes;
Fully autonomous flight: yes, with autopilot;
Vertical takeoff and landing: yes, automatic;
Emergency procedures: automatic (configurable);
Cruising speed: 45 - 95 km / h;
Wind resistance: Takeoff: 45 km / h | Cruise: 55 km / h | Landing: 45 km / h;
Maximum flight time: 50 minutes, depending on environmental conditions;
Pre-flight checklist: yes, in digital format, integrated into the flight planning software application (MarLynk);
Operating temperature range: -10 ° C - 40 ° C;
Ground control points (" GCPs "): not required with PPK (Post Processed Kinematics) module - optional;
Absolute accuracy: 1 cm, no ground control points (" GCPs ")
The configuration includes:
1 x Marlyn package:
Marlyn flight equipment:
- Marlyn main body with integrated electronics and autopilot;
- Pair of detachable Marlyn wings with electronics and actuators;
- MarLynk modem for connecting to laptop or tablet;
- USB cable and Antenna for MarLynk Modem;
- Manual backup controller, including accessories;
Included accessories:
- Two sets of intelligent flying batteries with lithium-polymer;
- Dual battery charger, including accessories;
- Protective backpack for body and wings Marlyn;
- Carrying case for accessories;
- Maintenance kit;
Software and documentation:
- MarLynk Suite for flight planning and control;
- MarLynk suite updates;
- Marlyn firmware updates;
- User manual, warranty certificate and MSDS;
1 x Marlyn RX1RII:
- Sony 42MP RGB camera for high quality mapping;
- Includes sensor with full frame and Sony 35mm lens (integrated);
- Accessories for rooms;
- Marlyn integration kit for Sony 42MP camera.
1 x High Precision PPK Module (MSP0500):
- High precision Septentrio PPK module (AsteRx-m2a UAS);
- PPK post-processing software license;
- PPK module integration and calibration.


Category: Fixed-wing UAV (VTOL) PPK

Weight: 5700g

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