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DescriptionProduct specificationsReviews
X-PAD Office Fusion consists of 4 modules: BASIC, L-SCAN, TOPO and X-CAD. Each purchase of a GeoMax TPS, GPS or GeoMax Zoom300 3D Scanner includes a license for the BASIC module, which allows data to be downloaded, managed and converted. The other modules are available for purchase, according to the project requirements.
With X-PAD Office Fusion it is possible to upload data from total stations, GPS and laser scanners and allows them to be calculated, viewed and managed without the need to export data from one program to another. You can connect a TPS or GPS measurement to each measurement made with a laser scanner and view everything together.
Package includes TOPO module for Office Fusion X-Pad software uses cookies to personalize and enhance your experience on our website accordingly Privacy policy. Continuing to browse means you agree to the use of cookies by us!
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