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Pipe laser GeoMax Zeta125 Li-Ion uni target (laser class 2)

Product code: 6010623_en


2820 EUR
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Description Product specifications Reviews

With a functional and versatile configuration, a full range of features and a tough design, the GeoMax Zeta series fits all your needs, performing error-free work regardless of environmental conditions.
It includes:
1 x GeoMax Zeta125 Pipe Laser, Zeta125 Series Li-Ion Battery, Charger, Zeta Pipe Laser Remote Control, Carrying Case, 150mm Diameter Pipe Support Legs and User Manual (829478);
1 x Universal target for Zeta series - 250mm / 6 "" - 10 "" & 300 - 400 mm / 12 "" - 15 "" (821877).


Category: Pipes lasers

Protection factor: IP68

Weight: 2070g

Battery life: 40h

Battery: "Lithium - ion rechargeable battery pack 110 / 230V AC converter (simultaneous charging and operation)

Battery: 12V "power cord

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Pipe laser GeoMax Zeta125 Li-Ion uni target (laser class 2)
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