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Digital level GeoMax ZDL700

Product code: 766160_en


1384 EUR
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Description Product specifications Reviews

Fast, easy and error - free
Super fast measuring speed under 3 sec. in combination with the simplicity of one-push measurement and the functionality of the store offers a faster and more economical workflow. Digital reading together with the internal memory of the equipment combats misreadings and misinterpretations of the operator.
It includes:
1 x ZDL700 digital level, 0.7mm accuracy, RS232 serial data cable, CD ROM and user manual.

Category: Digital levels

Protection factor: IP55

Weight: 2500g

Battery life: 14 - 16 h

Battery: 1800mAh / 2300mAh

Ports: RS232

Memory: 2,000 measurements

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Digital level GeoMax ZDL700
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